Tips on how to increase potency at home are particularly relevant for men over the age of forty, but young people are also advised to pay attention to preventative measures that will help prevent the weakening of male strength. So, how to increase the potential of men at home - let's discuss this in more detail.
Folk remedies to help
Men wondering how to prolong sexual intercourse and strengthen masculine strength are advised to pay attention to various folk remedies that help stimulate blood flow, get rid of toxins and restore potency. Of course, can achieve positive results through the use of such methods only if the decline in intimate quality of life is not the result of disease in the genital area.
the mint
If the weakness of male strength is the result of excessive nervous tension, an infusion of mint tea will help overcome this problem. How to increase potency quickly, as well as normalize overall body activity? You must follow these instructions:

- First you need to prepare a healthy drink. To do this, pour some fresh or dried leaves and ordinary mint sprouts with boiling water, leave for 30 minutes.
- Drinking ready-made tea must be one cup at least twice a day.
- To enhance the effect of the drink, you can also take valerian color in the amount of 10-15 drops.
Increasing potency at home using this method is only possible if there is a slight nervous tension. To overcome nervous disorders, it is necessary to take strong medications prescribed by a doctor individually.
A magical mix
Weakened immunity can also have a negative impact on male strength. How to increase potential at home in a situation like this? There are good ways that can help solve not only this problem, but also increase the body’s resilience. This consists of the regular consumption of a mixture of fruits. To prepare it, you need the following ingredients in equal amounts:

- Any seedless raisins.
- Dried apricots.
- Prune.
- Hazelnut.
- Walnut.
- Lemon.
The given components should be ground with a blender, mixed thoroughly and added into the amount of natural melted honey until the result is a thick paste. The finished medicine must be taken in teaspoons. It is best to have three meals a day before the main meal. This recipe can be used to prolong sexual intercourse.
Collection of potions
The multicomponent herbal collection, which includes medicinal plants that stimulate blood flow and restore metabolism, has a very beneficial effect on the body in general and on male strength in particular. To increase the potential of this folk remedy, the following components are required, provided in equal parts:

- Thyme.
- Chamomile.
- Nettles.
- Mint.
- Melissa.
Next, you need to mix the components thoroughly, then steam three tablespoons of the finished raw material with one liter of boiling water and boil for a few minutes. It is best to include drinks throughout the night. To strengthen the potential of men, you should use the drug in the amount of half a glass. It is also recommended to take this traditional medicine before intimacy.
One of the most effective methods to increase potency is eleutherococcus tincture, which can be purchased at almost any pharmacy. This humble plant will help get rid of male weakness in just a few days, increase the duration of intercourse and prevent a decrease in libido. In addition, regular intake of the tincture increases the severity of the sensation obtained with intimacy.
To get positive results, simply use the tincture ready for a week. At the same time, you should drink it in the amount of one tablespoon about thirty to forty minutes before the main meal. In addition, you can also use the drug before sexual intercourse, by looking at the same proportions.
Ginseng is one of the most effective remedies for overcoming fatigue, nervous exhaustion, boosting immunity and, most importantly, restoring male strength. How to increase potency with this plant? To get a good effect, it is recommended to prepare an aqueous infusion.
- Peel 100 grams of fresh plant roots, cut into large pieces.
- Pour the resulting raw material with boiling water in the amount of half a liter, insist for half a day.
Therefore, we increase the potency in a simple and definite way, as follows: the resulting tincture should be drunk once throughout the day, regardless of mealtimes. Drink half a glass. Once the tincture is finished, the rhizome can be refilled with water. This powerful homemade elixir can also be used to improve memory, eliminate drowsiness, and increase vitality.
Honey drink
A variety of beekeeping products are effective methods for potential. In the manufacture of medicinal drugs, honey and propolis are used. To increase masculine strength, you can try the following drugs, which are not only very useful, but also very tasty:

- First you need to grind 250 grams of aloe leaves with a blender, having cut the thorns from them.
- Add a glass of natural bee honey and Cahors to the raw material prepared in this way.
- Mix the components thoroughly, place in a dark glass container, and then place in a cool place for infusion. In order for an efficacious drug to acquire medicinal properties, it should be stored in this way for a month.
After preparation, you should regularly take a teaspoon of the finished drug three times a day. This must be done immediately before the main meal. The course of treatment should be continued until the entire medication is finished. It is important to remember that before increasing the potency of using this particular method, it is important to make sure that there is no risk of allergic reactions from the body, because honey is one of the strongest allergens.
Shilajit is an incredible medicine with a variety of useful nutrients. When used wisely, this remedy will help restore male strength in a short time. It can also be classified as a libido enhancing agent. There are many ways to use mummies, but the simplest and most effective are the following:
- First you need to prepare a solution of honey. To do this, dissolve three tablespoons of bee product in one liter of warm water. Use only low temperature liquids. This is due to the fact that in boiling water or very hot water, honey loses most of its nutrients.
- Next, you should dissolve six grams of mummy in the amount of honey. Leave the container with future medication for a few days to insert.
How to increase potential using this method? To do this, simply use one and a half tablespoons of prepared water once a day. This should be done exclusively in the morning, which will also help give stress and enthusiasm. The drug must be taken no more than two weeks. Next, you need to rest for a while, and then repeat the course.
So, there are many ways on how to increase potential. Moreover, most of them do not require much effort or money. But it is important to remember that to obtain a positive result, it is necessary to use folk remedies on a regular basis, otherwise the effect will be minimal.
The role of physical activity
One of the most common factors that contribute to a decrease in potency is living an inactive lifestyle, for example, because of the type of activity. Being overweight can also affect a man’s quality of intimate life. Only physical activity and sports will help get rid of problems like this.
It is very important to pay attention to the strengthening of the pelvic muscles. This is due to the fact that the occurrence of stagnation phenomena in this zone, which is caused by disturbed blood flow and low physical activity, can lead to a decrease in potency.
To restore blood circulation, it is recommended to do the following exercise options regularly:
- Jump forward with support on each leg in turn.
- Deep squat, done with knee distance. Due to the periodic implementation of this action, the process of blood flow in the small pelvis is effectively restored, and muscle tissue is strengthened.
- Circular pelvic rotation.
- Tilt in all directions.
- Lie on the floor with legs slightly apart, then slowly raise your pelvic area.
Also, a walk, a regular walk in the fresh air will help get rid of problems associated with blood stasis, importantly, it is completely free. Moreover, this type of physical activity is very beneficial if you walk slowly, slowly, but do at least an hour a day, gradually increasing the time.
Effects on biologically active points
One of the most effective methods to increase potency is regular daily exposure to acupuncture points located on the feet. To achieve positive results, it is recommended to massage the skin of the feet regularly with gentle movements. To make gliding easier, you can use a variety of essential oils or regular vegetable olives.
It is also useful to make warming compresses for your feet on a regular basis. To do this, a mustard plaster should be applied on the foot area. The procedure should be performed for fifteen minutes. If you experience discomfort, such as a burning sensation, you should immediately stop the session.
The role of nutrition
To increase potency in men, it is important to remove toxins from the body, restore normal metabolism and activity of all systems. The best way to overcome this problem is a balanced diet. In addition, you can increase potency at home quickly by including certain foods in your diet. The most important rules of dietary therapy when weakening male strength are as follows:
- First of all, you should give up fatty, heavy, spicy, sweet foods. These foods slow down metabolic processes and contribute to the formation of fat stores. It is important to exclude semi-finished products, sweets and pastries, smoked meats, pickles, marinades from food.
- You must refuse to drink alcohol. The exception is high quality natural red wine. This is the only drink you can get. But drink it, necessarily in minimal amounts.
- The inclusion of optimal amounts of protein foods in the diet will help strengthen potency quickly at home. This rule is also relevant if a man is interested in the question of how to prolong sexual intercourse. The most useful products are: all kinds of lean seafood and seafood, lean meat, quail eggs.
- Various types of vegetables and fruits are no less useful: bananas, raspberries, carrots, beets, strawberries, celery, fresh herbs, carrots.
- All kinds of grains and legumes. Very useful to use it in the form of cereals.
- To remove toxic substances from the body, as well as normalize metabolic processes, it is recommended to replace regular coffee and tea with vitamin drinks. Like a decoction of hawthorn and rose hips, compote from dried fruit, fresh juice and diluted with water is quite appropriate.
To increase potency, it is advisable to always adhere to the rules of a balanced diet. Of course, it is sometimes permissible to give yourself a little rejection, but this should be done within reasonable limits.
How can potential be tested?
Before you think about using a product to increase male strength, you need to make sure that the product is really needed. For this, it is recommended to check the potential at home. It is possible to discuss an existing problem only if the following symptoms are observed:
- Lack of attraction to the opposite sex. If the condition occurs once, this may be due to physical or mental fatigue. A worrying sign is a decrease in libido with adequate sleep and rest.
- Inability to complete intercourse.
- Erections disappear during intimate activities.
Before examining the potential in the manner indicated, it is recommended to ensure that there is no physical or mental fatigue. It is also important to relieve stress and nervous tension. These signs may be symptoms of early impotence. It is important to take timely steps that will help get rid of the existing problem and return to its former strength.
It is recommended to start using ways to increase potency at home only after seeing a doctor. It is necessary to exclude diseases that contribute to the weakness of male strength or, if any, to undergo appropriate treatment under the supervision of a specialist.